Friday 31 May 2019

The technology of my life

When I was born, in the year 2000, the technologies that we know today, didn't were much developed, cell phones were so basic, computer had the double size that they have today, and the internet... Well, the internet was very different. In 2000 few people had it, due to, computers were so expensive and phones didn't include this function. In addition, the information that had was few, limiting the access to internet users. Despite this, in that decade the Internet begins to develop very fast, to now.

Today, the Internet has the capacity of connect people for all around the globe, the information that circulates in it, every time is getting bigger and the most is for the free access to the internet users, making easier to collect knowledge. The internet gives the possibility to entering in a new world where all is possible, since buy things until play with friends or even unknown people. This is the reason of why I believe that the best technology of XXI is the internet. 

I, like most of people, use the Internet almost 24/7, in my phone or my laptop. I don't imagine a better place without it. It makes life easier, so its disappearance would complicate our connectivity with the world and also we would lost an excellent form of have fun. The problem especially would be to people that grew up with the Internet, like me. I still remember when at 7 years old I had my first computer and when I used it I entered for first time to Internet. Was here when I knew that it will be my favourite technology.

Friday 24 May 2019

The jobs of my dreams

When I was a kid I dreamed of becoming a private detective -like movies- or a fireman to fight the fire and save lives. You know, the typical jobs that a child wants.

In spite of be very good jobs, when I grew up I changed my mind. In high school I developed a liking for the subjects of biology and chemistry. My liking of these was evidenced when I entered In a extra-curricular course to learn chemistry more deeply, and when, time later, I entered in another of these courses, but that time in a biology course, when I was in my last grade of school. Despite this, in that time I didn't know yet what I should to study in the college. I had a lots of career options, like medicine, biotechnology, biochemistry or chemistry and pharmacy. I had that doubt even after doing the PSU.

Finally, I decided for Chemistry and Pharmacy, because I felt that was the career that more I would like, also I could help people to heal. Until now I have enjoyed all classes in the college, especially the practical works in labs, and all the people that I have met are very nice.

I hope finish my career as soon as possible to work in a pharmaceutical laboratory to develop medicines that help the people. In addition I have heard that they pay well in this job.