Friday 12 July 2019

The Green Subjects

The internal machinery of life, the chemistry of the parts, 
is something beautiful. All life is interconnected with the rest of life. 
- Richard P. Feynman

Hello fans, today I'm going to talk about my favourite subject of life. Well, I always have been a passionate of the discovering of the world and its secrets, so that, not it's strange that in my life I had acquired a liking for the science subjects, especially, for biology and chemistry.

I have luck of have been in a school that developed very well these subjects. Of course we had a lot of theoretical practises, but also, regularly, we had practical works in the labs of school. In biology, once, we see a real brain, actually we worked with it, and we opened it and studied it, I loved it so much. In my university, occurs the same, due to I study a scientific career. 

I like that in these subjects there's a lot of available information, and despite this, it isn't enough, because only we know a small part of the behaviour of universe and there's a lot to discover. For this reason is that I began to like the sciences. I like how science open to you the ability of know and discover the world, giving to you the all the possible knowledge and teaching to you how to discover. 

Well, although, I know that it's very important the theoretical knowledge of a science to begin to work in it, I really prefer the practical works in labs. But, currently, I course the first year, so the most of activities are most theoretical than practical, but I know that is because is important to get the knowledge first and work after.

In spite I said before that I liked biology and chemistry, today I prefer the last one, maybe because, I find more interesting to study the matter than the study of organisms. For this is that I study chemistry and pharmacy, my liking of chemistry facilitated me my choice. I think that is important that people learn about the world that surrounds them, and chemistry is a good way of knowing it because it is the base of life and the most of other sciences.


  1. Me too, i love Chemistry and sciences.

  2. your school is so cool, we don´t do anything in our lab :(

  3. sciences are cool, i like chemistry and biology too

  4. How incredible that you could dissect a brain and have that kind of practical laboratories

  5. in my school we disect a brain too, it was a cow brain and i remember my ¨secretary¨ getting sick during that class, it was so funny XD

  6. I like biology and chemistry too... They are the most beautiful sciences to me.
