Friday 30 August 2019

The country of dreams

Hi friends, I came back to this blog, after a while. I took a short vacation to relax. But, anyways, today I'm going to talk you about the country I would like to visit.

Well, since I have memory France has been a really insteresting contry to me. Always I have liked its culture, architecture, and its beauty in general. I have seen France in movies and books. Also I have friends that have visited this country and have talked to me a lot of it, so thanks of that things my curiosity have been grown up, making me dream with someday visiting this beautiful contry.

The things that I know of France is that it's a country located in Europe and its capital is Paris, the "city of lights". French food is one of the most important of the world. Through the history, France has been a country dedicated to arts.  The arts have been very important in this country, for example there is one of the most famous museums dedicated to that, the Louvre. Its architecture, also is impressing, one of the most famous in the world is the Eiffel Tower, located in Paris. And finally, its geography, having the French alps or lavender fields in Provenza, for example.

If someday I go there, I would like to visit the most possible places, starting with Paris, visiting the most famous places, like the Louvre, Eiffel tower, the Arc de Triomphe and the Notre-Dame
. Then visit other cities like Versailles, Lyon and Marseille.

I would like to live in this amazing country and learn a lot of this beautiful country, I don't think that I can someday cost it, but who knows...  


  1. someday we have to go visit the tower Eiffel and eat many cheese

  2. i know that your are going to be a famous scientific and the France´s president is going to invite you there, like an honour invited.

  3. I have been in France and it was amazing, I would love to go back again!

  4. I like that how you talk about France, it shows that you like and I would like one day travel to this country to admire the architecture.

  5. France is a Beautiful country , full of amazing and lovely places. I´d like to visit it too, after been in italy of course :)

  6. Oh la la, France looks like a really beautiful country, we have to go there and eats some "escargots a la bourguignonne"������
