Saturday 12 October 2019

4 Questions, 4 Answers

Hi everybody, lately I have been talking a lot about my career and that stuff. I think that you should be really fed up, so I'm gonna return to older posts and strat to talk about various topics again. So, what a batter idea than starting a blog about 4 topics and my opinion of those. Well let's begin.

Pets at home:

Well, since I was a child I have wanted to have pets. I think that is awesome to have pets in your home. But is important to know that like any being, they have needs, so you must feed them, care of them, clean them, and the most important give them all the love you can give. Also is important that if you want to have a pet, you must keep informed about the animal and their cares. In the end bring a pet to your home is incorporate a new member to the family.


That is a really interesting topic, because is one the things that have most drawn attention of the human race. I think that is very difficult to say that if it is or not a good, beacuse the different nuance of this practice. In my opinion I think that the study of clonation is important to discover new information about the celular functioning, helping to the fight of diferrent disseases that today don't have cure. Maybe in the future it will can be regulated, avoiding bad practices in this complex field.

Legalization of different drugs:

This is a very controvertial topic, but I think that is imortant to discuss about it. In my opinion, drugs like marijuana, must be legalized. I think that legalization will mean an end to the black market, also a regularization to the products that are sold, like quality, drecreasing the probability of damage to the consumers, and prices. All those things, I think, are the most effective fight against the drug trafficking.

About other drugs, I think that is more complicated the discussion about their legalization. For example, phychedelic drug, like LSD, according to diverse studies, are harmless than drgus that now legalizated, but can be harmful to a certain group of people. So if those drugs are lagalized, they must have a ragularization more exhaustive, especially because this kind of drugs are very important to the study of mental diseases, and, at the same time, his effects are very unknown, due to how complicated is to study them for being ilegal.

The chilean education:

In this part I'm gonna talk about the protests about chilean education.

Today chilean education is on crisis. There are a lot of lacks that until today are not solved. The students are tired of promises of things that never come, and the goverment is fighting agains their protests. I'm goinna tell you a personal example. The years before I entered to the university, I went to a school that was very participative in the social movements that help to improve the chilean education. But today any movement or protest by the students of my school is hardly repressed by force by the police. Tht's how any person inside the school suffers the repression, is or not protesting. In this way the goverment shut up the petitions and doen't solve anything.

Well, I think that I have altered a little haha. Well I have written very much, so I leave this blog here for today, see you soon.

Friday 4 October 2019

After my career

Hi friends, this blog will be quite similar to the last blog. Maybe you are thinking that I'm going to talk about my career like many of my blogs. Well... you're right and at the same time you're wrong. how? Well, In spite of Chemistry and pharmacy is very interesting to study, I think that is not the only "thing" that I will study in my life. How I said before I like very much the health area, so anything that I can study I will study. All that to have as much knowledge as possible and be a great professional in the area that I work. So I'm not going to talk about my career in the present, I'm going to talk about my future studies after my career.

If someday I finish my studies, I would like to take a postgraduate. Probably I would take it here, in Chile, in the University of Chile. 

The  postgraduate I would like to take is a Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences. What is done here? Well, this is a program that is oriented to the teaching of  analytical and clinical pharmaceutical. Although this is more oriented to analytical part.  So this program is more with the purpose of work on pharmaceutical products, just the thing that I want. Also This consists in attending classes, so I would have to go directly to the University. It is very awesome!

After that I won't do a PhD. Because is not necessary for the kind of job that I would like to do, but maybe in the future I change my mind and finally do three PhD.

Well, this is all for today, I hope that this blog had help you even a little bit to think in your studies now and after your career,  after all all that will be your base as a professional.