Friday 27 September 2019

Life in Labs

Hi my dear fans, I'm bringing you another blog. Today I'm going to talk about a theme that is very important to me, my career and the job that I would like to do. 
Well... since I was a teenager I always have had the dream of working in the health area, maybe caring for people, giving them medicament, or making the medicament. Today I'm studying Chemistry and Pharmacy at the university, so I had an idea that what I want to work on. In the future I would like to work in a pharmaceutical laboratory. In this kind of job there are varieties like researcher or supervisor. But I want to dedicate myself to the investigation of new medicines that help to treat different diseases that today don't have cure.
In this job we pass the most part of the time in a laboratory, but it doesn't care because I will have all my attention in the creation and the study of the drugs.

The salary in this job is very good, we can get about $1641.5 a month. Well, this is an approximately number because it varies according the laboratory or the country.

Today I'm in the first year of the career, I don't have fished it yet. But when I finished it, I will do a postgraduate, to has most knowledge and most possibilities to get a job. Maybe when finished all, I would like to leave the country and go to work abroad. I'm just thinking, but it would be really awesome!!!

Friday 13 September 2019


One of my favourites bands ever is Tool, an American metal band formed in 1990, and that is one of the most influential in the actual era. Tool has released five studio albums, but Today I'm going to talk about the best of these albums created by this band, "Lateralus". Maybe you are asking why is this album so good? 

One of the things that differentiate this album form others is his composition. 

Tool used the concept of the Fibonacci sequence to create "Lateralus". If you didn't know Fibonacci sequence is a sequence that begins in 1 and 2 and the following numbers are defined by the sum of the two previous. Basically is this: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13, etc. This sequence is the base of all of our world, we can see it in flowers, snails, etc. So this band took this sequence and created its album. For example there are many songs that its lyrics follow this pattern like the song "Lateralus", or the percution is in such way that also follow the sequence.

Well, this is not the only thing that we can see in this album. For example while ago some fans discovered that can rearrange the order of the tracks on the album into a similarly shaped sequence. The key to the order was placing track 13 in the middle and arranging the other tracks in additive pairs on either side. The songs  are said to match up with each other in a more sensible way, and makes for the “proper” order. 

Of course not only that mathematical things make this album so great. Also its innovation, for example, drummer Danny Carey sampled himself breathing through a tube to simulate the chanting of Buddhist monks fo "Parabol", and banged piano strings for samples on "Reflection". 

Well, I could keep talking about this phenomenal album, but I think that is better that you listen it to discover it. See you next blog, bye.

Friday 6 September 2019

Chemistry and Pharmacy

Hi readers, today I'm going to talk about a very special career to me. If  you are new in my blog and didn't read my older posts, let me tell you that I study Chemistry and Pharmacy at the University of Chile. Maybe you are wondering why I chose this career. W
ell, the truth is that only I'm doing it for the money... I'm just kidding, although it is true that this profession is well paid, but is not the only good thing that made me chose it.

First I can say that since I was a kid I like sciences, also there were TV shows and movies that made me love the chemistry, like Breaking Bad. So in this way I was entering in this new world of Chemistry and Pharmacy. 

Chemistry and Pharmacy is a very important career that is dedicated to the health area, in general. Is due of that there are many options to choose to work. A pharmacist can work in a clinic or hospital participating in schedules for the correct use of drugs in certain patients, pharmacovigilance (the surveillance of the drugs that are distributed in the clinic or hospital), and handle toxicological situations. Also, a pharmacist can work in pharmaceutical or cosmetic laboratories, investigating new drugs or regulating the develop of medicaments. Well there are more works that a pharmacist can perform, but there are so many. In fact this profession has an employability of 97.7% first year. 

So, money and employability are important things to consider to take a profession. But especially that you love the career.

Well, to finalise, I will say that whatever you choose how career, don't choose Chemistry and Pharmacy, so I don't have to compete with you. It's a joke if you are interested come and join us.