Friday 13 September 2019


One of my favourites bands ever is Tool, an American metal band formed in 1990, and that is one of the most influential in the actual era. Tool has released five studio albums, but Today I'm going to talk about the best of these albums created by this band, "Lateralus". Maybe you are asking why is this album so good? 

One of the things that differentiate this album form others is his composition. 

Tool used the concept of the Fibonacci sequence to create "Lateralus". If you didn't know Fibonacci sequence is a sequence that begins in 1 and 2 and the following numbers are defined by the sum of the two previous. Basically is this: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13, etc. This sequence is the base of all of our world, we can see it in flowers, snails, etc. So this band took this sequence and created its album. For example there are many songs that its lyrics follow this pattern like the song "Lateralus", or the percution is in such way that also follow the sequence.

Well, this is not the only thing that we can see in this album. For example while ago some fans discovered that can rearrange the order of the tracks on the album into a similarly shaped sequence. The key to the order was placing track 13 in the middle and arranging the other tracks in additive pairs on either side. The songs  are said to match up with each other in a more sensible way, and makes for the “proper” order. 

Of course not only that mathematical things make this album so great. Also its innovation, for example, drummer Danny Carey sampled himself breathing through a tube to simulate the chanting of Buddhist monks fo "Parabol", and banged piano strings for samples on "Reflection". 

Well, I could keep talking about this phenomenal album, but I think that is better that you listen it to discover it. See you next blog, bye.


  1. I've never hear about that band, but sounds good! Maybe I will listen to them in the future haha

  2. This song sounds like a masterpiece
    I think is incredible how they thinks in all this complicated things to make this song.

  3. You like this album so much!!! ... although I don't know how it's because I don't listen to music :(

  4. After all of this, obviously i'm going to search it, the way as u describe it is so amazing. Maybe u can contact u with them for be your publicist jajaaj

  5. i'm also a great Tool fan, i think they have reinvented the concept of rock and created something completely new with their songs

  6. I've never heard of them, their music sounds very interesting, you should recommend to me that songs I could listen to
