Wednesday 19 June 2019

The best photo

My favourite photograph is from my last day of class, actually, the graduation day. In this photograph I was with my friends, in the last "official" day that we would see each other. In it you can see that is no taken by a professional, actually, is just a selfie taken in mirror by one of us. We are in an informal pose, all embraced each other. All this was made in purpose of show the "brotherhood" between us and the affection that we had to each other, and when we saw it remember all those days of joy and laughs, all those times that we helped each other to pass an exam, either studying or copying (in the worst of the cases).

I like this photograph, due to, appears the people that I knew during my time in the school,  and that helped me to grow up and that I help too. This photo represents to me that in that moment we stop of being kids, and we became adults. We had a huge and unknown world in front us, but we would support us always. 

Maybe is not the best photograph, maybe it has a bad quality, but I love it, and always when I watch it, Pedro Lemebel's words came to my head: "I don't have friends, I have loves". 


  1. incredible, you have very good friends (lovers)

  2. Ow i feel that the photograph with friends stay in the heart

  3. ohhh the school how much i miss those days... i like when you said "we became adults". True.

  4. de'spite the quality, the important thing is what significate this picture to you.
    Also, is very strange see you with short hair xd

  5. It's good to have a picture like that with Friends. I only had one, but I losed it.
